More Quizzes from Dr. Orloff



Based on Dr. Judith Orloff’s bestselling books The Empath’s Survival Guide, The Power of Surrender, Emotional Freedom, Positive Energy, Second Sight & Guide to Intuitive Healing


7.  Are You In an Obsessive Relationship?

Obsessive / possessive relationships can be very painful.

Do you cling to your partner?YesNo
Do you want to possess him or her??YesNo
Are you often afraid of being abandoned or betrayed?YesNo
Do you get anxious when you don’t hear from him or her every day?YesNo
Do you constantly think about the person?YesNo
Do you start obsessing about a partner after you have sex?YesNo
Does your partner feel you are trying to control or suffocate him or her?YesNo
Do you feel you can’t live without the person?YesNo

How to interpret this quiz:

  • 6-8 yeses indicate that you are extremely overly attached.
  • 3-5 yeses indicate that you are moderately overly attached.
  • 1-3 yeses indicate that you have a tendency to overly attach.
  • A score of zero indicates that you have healthy bonding with your partner.

This quiz is excerpted from The Power of Surrender by Judith Orloff MD

(Learn more about how to develop healthy relationships in Chapter 6)

Click on the link to read Dr. Orloff’s blog on How to Deal With an Obsessive / Possessive Relationship

8.  Do You Have Positive Energy?

Positive attitudes accentuate wellness, negative attitudes impair it.

1. Do you exude a sense of support and compassion with others?YesNo
2. Do others feel safe and relaxed with you?YesNo
3. Are you a generally positive person?YesNo
4. Are you non-judgmental with yourself and others?YesNo
5. Are you compassionate with your own shortcomings and try to heal them?YesNo
6. Do you feel peaceful much of the time?YesNo
7. Are you able to let resentments go rather than harboring them?YesNo
8. Do you laugh frequently?YesNo
9. Are you kind to your family, friends and people you don't know well?YesNo

How to interpret this quiz

  • If you had 0 yeses – Positive energy is hard to come by at this point, but you can always start to build it NOW!
  • If you had 1 yes – You are ready to learn how to bring more positive energy into your life even if you don’t access it easily now.
  • If you had 2 yeses – You are beginning to learn how to be positive. Bravo!
  • If you had 3 yeses – Sometimes you are positive, though negativity still plays a significant role in your life.
  • If you had 4 yeses – Positive energy is building and you’re making room for more joy.
  • If you had 5 yeses – You are learning to be more loving with yourself and others, and are less drained by negativity around you.
  • If you had 6 yeses – You have tipped the scales towards being more positive and your vitality is improving.
  • If you had 7 yeses – Your energy is getting more vibrant and alive as you begin to set better boundaries with negative people.
  • If you had 8 yeses – You have positive energy much of the time and can increasingly treat yourself with kindness.
  • If you had 9 yeses – Your positivity score is 100%. Your life is filled with positive energy. Congratulations!

Learn more about building positive energy in “Positive Energy” by Judith Orloff MD

9.  Are You In A Relationship With A Victim?

The victim grates on you with a poor-me attitude, and is allergic to taking responsibility for their actions.

1. Does this person often appear inconsolably oppressed or depressed?YesNo
2. Are you burned out by his or her neediness?YesNo
3. Does he or she always blame “bad luck” or the unfairness of others for her problems?YesNo
4. Do you screen your calls or say you’re busy in order to dodge his or her litany of complaints?YesNo
5. Does his or her unrelenting negativity compromise your positive attitude?YesNo

How to interpret this quiz

  • If you had 0 yeses – Either you arn’t in a relationship with a victim; or you are coping with this personality in a successful, healthy way.
  • If you had 1 yes – The beginning signs of being involved with a victium are there. To clear the air, it could be a great time to address the main issue related to his or her victimhood. Then your emotional freedom can be preserved and your relationship can remain healthy.
  • If you had 2 yeses – You are in a relationship with someone who has some definite victim tendencies. Your emotional freedom is becoming increasingly compromised by his or her poor me attitude.
  • If you had 3 yeses – You are in a relationship with someone who has moderate victim tendencies. This can make you want to avoid interacting.
  • If you had 4 yeses – You are in a relationship with someone who has strong victim tendencies. It’s likely that a victim is violating your emotional freedom but you may be reluctant to speak up to improve the situation.
  • If you had 5 yeses – You are in a relationship with a victim. Interacting with this person can cause you to be irritated or drained. You are in a great position now to learn how to set kind but firm boundaries to create a healthier interaction.

This quiz is excerpted from Emotional Freedom by Judith Orloff MD

(Learn more about combating emotional vampires in Chapter 6)

10.  How Jealous Or Envious Are You?

Some comparison is natural but when it becomes excessive then it leads to envy and jealousy.

1. Do I sometimes get satisfaction from putting people down?YesNo
2. Would I feel relieved if a colleague didn’t get promoted, even though I may like him or her?YesNo
3. Do I often think that others are better off than me?YesNo
4. Do I resent people who seem to have everything?YesNo
5. Do I feel diminished by someone’s beauty, brains, or accomplishments?YesNo
6. Am I afraid of people trying to outdo me?YesNo
7. Am I threatened by my mate’s past?YesNo
8. Am I bent out of shape when my mate looks at someone else?YesNo
9. Do I see my mate’s friends as rivals for my attention or affection?YesNo

How to interpret this quiz

  • If you had 0 yeses – You have very little jealousy or envy (or, you’re kidding yourself).
  • If you had 1 yes – You have a small amount of jealousy or envy. Be aware that even one affirmative response gives you an opportunity to clear these emotions.
  • If you had 2 yeses – You have a small amount of jealousy or envy.
  • If you had 3 yeses – You have a moderate amount of jealousy or envy.
  • If you had 4 yeses – You have a moderate amount of jealousy or envy.
  • If you had 5 yeses – You have a moderate amount of jealousy or envy.
  • If you had 6 yeses – You have a significant amount of jealousy or envy.
  • If you had 7 yeses – You have a significant amount of jealousy or envy.
  • If you had 8 yeses – You have a significant amount of jealousy or envy.
  • If you had 9 yeses – You have a significant amount of jealousy or envy.

This quiz is excerpted from Emotional Freedom by Judith Orloff MD

(Learn more about combating jealousy and envy in Chapter 11)

11.  Are You A Worrier?

Being addicted to worry can lead to insomnia, nightmares, restless sleep and ongoing angst.

1. Do I worry about many things every day?YesNo
2. Do I make problems larger, not smaller?YesNo
3. Do I worry about things that no one around me worries about?YesNo
4. Do I worry even during happy times?YesNo
5. Do I find I can’t stop worrying, though I try?YesNo
6. When one worry is solved, do I immediately focus on another?YesNo

How to interpret this quiz

  • If you had 0 to 1 yeses – You are more warrior than worrier!
  • If you had 2 to 3 yeses – Worry plays a moderate role in your life.
  • If you had 4 to 5 yeses – Worry plays a large role in your life.
  • If you had 6 yeses – Worry plays a very large role in your life.

This quiz is excerpted from Emotional Freedom by Judith Orloff MD

(Learn more about transforming worry with inner calm in Chapter 9)

12.  How Surrendered Are You?

To manifest true success and happiness in your life it’s important to know when to let go and when to be assertive. Take this quiz to learn if you have excessive control issues.

Mostly UntrueMostly 
1. I recognize I cannot control everything.01
2. After I've done what's possible to "make things happen" or change a situation, I can let go and accept life without fighting it.01
3. I don't try to force things when a door is shut.01
4. I am comfortable with uncertainty.01
5. I remember to exhale during stress.01
6. I'm able to give and receive love.01
7. I can feel powerful without dominating others or telling family and friends what to do.01
8. I don't withhold attention or love or keep people dangling to feel in control.01
9. I feel successful apart from my job or net worth.01
10. I see my body as sacred, and don't obsess on weight or wrinkles.01
11. I can accept the aging process and feel good about myself.01
12. I don't compare myself to others.01
13. I can let go and enjoy lovemaking.01
14. I feel sensually connected to nature.01
15. I practice physical movement to keep my body flexible and healthy.01
16. If I'm ill, I practice self-compassion and surrender to the healing process instead of beating myself up.01
17. I'm in touch with a sense of spirituality larger than my will.01
18. I listen to my intuition to help make decisions, especially when I don't know the answer or face obstacles.01
19. I'm open to new ideas and can let go of ones I once held to be true.01
20. I can embrace happiness.01
21. I allow myself to experience loss and grief without bottling up my feelings.01
22. I don't fear death.01
23. I'm not attached to "being right" and can admit when I'm wrong.01
24. I can be spontaneous and playful.01
25. I can welcome silence, stillness, and meditation.01

How To Interpret This Test
To calculate your score, total the numbers of “mostly trues” for each response.

  • A score of 20-25 suggests that you’re experiencing a very high level of surrender in your life.
  • A score of 15-19 suggests a high level.
  • A score of 6-14 or suggests a moderate level.
  • A score of 5 or below indicates a minimal level.
  • A zero score indicates that it’s difficult for you to release excessive control, but surrender is closer than you think as you begin to practice it more

This quiz is excerpted from The Power of Surrender by Judith Orloff MD. Learn more about the power of surrender in manifesting true success and happiness in Chapter One