How to Set Awkward Boundaries: “No” is a Complete Sentence!


It may sometimes be awkward to set healthy boundaries with negative or draining people, but it is an important skill to learn. If someone has unrealistic expectations of you or unable to respect your feelings remember “No” is a complete sentence. A key to setting boundaries is to come from a centered, unemotional, place—not to be reactive. For example if someone has been saying disparaging comments about you, from a heartfelt center say, “Please don’t talk about me to others. It’s inappropriate and disrespectful.” Then refuse to argue about it, even if your buttons are pushed….
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Awaken Your Sexual Power


As an intuitive psychiatrist I help my patients and workshop participants learn how to develop their intuition to deepen their sexual lives. In my book, Guide to Intuitive Healing I devote a whole section to exploring sexual wellness. Sexual awakening means coming into your own erotic power. How each of us does this may differ. Conventional wisdom teaches you to clarify your sexual needs, then learn to communicate physically and emotionally with a partner. Of course both are essential. Sexuality is neither a marathon nor a sprint. Nor is it competitive! You must find your own sexual rhythm and style. The kind of awakening I’m describing includes the psychological and physical, but intuition offers other erotic options….
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Four Strategies to Remember & Interpret Dreams


At different times in my life, I am a physician, a teacher, a friend and an author, but being a dreamer is what I value the most.

Whatever I am doing, I always hear my dreams echoing in a distant underground chamber beneath my thoughts and feelings, attuned to the rhythms of my body and the very substance of the earth. They are my compass and my truth; they guide me and link me to the Divine. They call out to me in an intimate whisper, always knowing how to find me. They speak my real name….
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Does Your Relationship Need a Sleep Divorce?


Have you ever wanted to sleep separately from your partner, but you’re afraid to bring it up? Are you tired of his or her tossing and turning or snoring?
Over the years I’ve had many patients and workshop participants come to me saying that they love their partner but often feel fatigued and overwhelmed
in the relationship and would prefer sleeping alone. This is particularly true for highly sensitive empathic people. Even though there are those who
thrive on togetherness there are many others, like myself who tend to intuit and absorb our partner’s energy and become overloaded, anxious or exhausted
when we don’t have time to decompress in our own space. This is amplified when you sleep in the same bed as someone! In my books, “The Empath’s Survival
Guide” and “Emotional Freedom,”…
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3 Steps to Rekindle the Passion in Your Job


I’m a fanatic about following your passion. As a psychiatrist and intuitive when I work with my patients and workshop participants my mission is to hunt down and reinforce what creatively jibes for them from jobs to finger-painting. In my book, Positive Energy I devote a full chapter to help people to reconnect with their passion and creativity. Whether you’re writing the great American novel, laying bricks, or sprinkling rose petals on a salad, your delight and surrender to the impulse is what catalyzes energy….
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Combat Toxic Energy & Rejuvenate Your Emotional Life


Emotions can come at you hard and fast. You must be prepared.

In a flash, negativity can spin you into a tizzy, your center blown to smithereens. Not to worry. In my book, “Emotional Freedom” I provide readers with strategies for dealing with every angle of emotions–cerebral and intuitive, from earth to heaven….
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5 Steps to Intuitive Healing


I am a psychiatrist and intuitive. My passion is combining spirituality and intuition with mainstream medicine. When patients come to see me, I listen to them with my intellect as well my intuition, a potent form of inner wisdom not mediated by the rational mind. Accessible to all, it’s a still, small voice inside-an unflinching truth-teller committed to our well-being. Sometimes I experience it as a snap-shot-like flash, a gut feeling, a hunch, a physical sensation, a dream. Whatever the form, it is always a friend, keeping a steady eye on our bodies and spirits, letting us know if something is out of sync….
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How to Intuitively Make Smart Decisions


As an intuitive psychiatrist I worship my high octane intuitions. I owe the blessing of becoming a physician to one. However, at twenty, when an unwavering inner voice told me I was going to medical school, it was the last thing I thought I wanted. This gut centered voice committed to your happiness, health, and survival, is, with practice, accessible to everyone. But when you deviate even a nano-fraction from your inner voice, energy wanes, whether a subtle seepage or radical bottoming out. The more ferociously faithful you are to this truth the more energized you’ll be….
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How to Surrender


I’m intrigued with the idea of surrender, not as defeat or loss but as a positive, intuitive way of living, power that grows as you develop trust in the moment as well as in change and the unknown. In Sanskrit, surrender is “samprada,” meaning to give completely, or deliver wholly over. I’m defining it as the grace of letting go at the right moment–the ability to accept what-is, to exhale and flow downstream with the cycles of life instead of battling them or anxiously brooding. Surrender doesn’t mean always saying “yes” to everything–that can be dangerous and unwise–but it does mean going fully with a decision even if it entails withdrawing from someone or saying “no” to anger or fear….
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