Developing Intuition Download Package


(Video / Audio Download)

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Learn how to awaken your intuition to make better decisions in your life in the audio download Developing Intuition Download Package!

This series will show you how to:

  • Learn to powerfully listen to your body’s needs.
  • Make sense of your life when it’s most confusing.
  • Use your body’s subtle energies to heal pain, panic, depression and other symptoms.
  • Listen to your gut feelings
  • Follow your dreams.
  • Learn to balance the linear analytic mind with intuition.
  • Learn what intuitions are most authentic.

Dr. Judith Orloff, a practicing psychiatrist who integrates intuition into her medical practice, asserts that intuition is a potent form of inner wisdom, not mediated by the rational mind. Accessible to us all, it’s a still, small voice inside. It’s an unflinching truth teller committed to our well-being. You may experience intuition as a gut feeling, hunch, a physical sensation, a snapshot-like flash, or a dream. Always a friend, it keeps a vigilant eye on our bodies, letting us know if something is out of synch.

We each possess an intuitive healing code within us that contains the blueprints for our health, happiness and survival of everything that is good here on earth. This code is written in a language of silence, metaphor, imagery, energy, and knowings that may seem alien until we are taught to decipher it. As you begin to understand its nuances, its secrets, the code will seem like the most familiar language of all, one you uttered before you ever had a memory of anything material, one that doesn’t require a spoken voice to comprehend.

Programs/Track Listing

  • Why Do I Need Intuition? – MP4 Video – 01:46
  • Intuition in Action – MP4 Video – 03:52
  • Free Will Versus Intuition – MP4 Video – 05:27
  • 5 Steps to Intuitive Decision Making Part One – MP4 Video – 21:37
  • 5 Steps to Intuitive Decision Making Part Two – MP4 Video – 40
  • Intuition, Science, and the process of tuning in – MP4 Video – 04:17
  • The Art of Remembering and Interpreting Dreams – MP4 Video – 03:42
  • Why Diets Fail – MP4 Video – 04:18
  • Listen to Your Body – MP4 Video – 09:42
  • Dreams as Wake Up Calls – MP4 Video – 02:32
  • Awaken Your Intuition Part 1 – MP3 Audio – 1:01:29
  • Awaken Your Intuition Part 2 – MP3 Audio – 37:40
  • Intuitive Power: Your Natural Resource Part 1 – MP3 Audio – 1:14:17
  • Intuitive Power: Your Natural Resource Part 2 – MP3 Audio – 1:19:55
  • Intuitive Power: Your Natural Resource Part 3 – MP3 Audio – 1:19:53
  • Intuitive Power: Your Natural Resource Part 4 – MP3 Audio – 1:19:54
  • Intuitive Power: Your Natural Resource Part 5 – MP3 Audio – 53:58


Judith Orloff MD is the author of The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People. Dr. Orloff is a psychiatrist, an empath and intuitive healer, and is on the UCLA Psychiatric Clinical Faculty. She synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. Dr. Orloff also specializes in treating empaths and highly sensitive people in her private practice. She passionately believes that the future of medicine involves integrating all this wisdom to achieve total wellness. Explore more information about empaths and intuition at

Connect with Judith on  Facebook and  Twitter.