Second Sight: An Intuitive Psychiatrist Tells Her Extraordinary Story and Shows You How to Tap Your Own Inner Wisdom
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“Frank, well-written… raises provocative questions…”
Elle Magazine
“An intensely personal spiritual odyssey filled with love and a truth born of an extraordinary gift.”
Norman Lear
Writer, producer
“Second Sight reads like a thriller. It is a page turner …inspiring…controversial.”
Joan Borysenko PhD
Book Description of New Edition
In this moving personal story Dr. Orloff recounts her “journey to become whole” by first accepting and then embracing her intuitive abilities. She tells of her childhood fear of her intuition, of her physician-parents’ efforts to ignore and even deny them, and of her slow awakening to the understanding that her intuition is truly a gift. She tells of her struggle to incorporate her abilities into her practice and of the many successes she’s experienced with patients ever since. Second Sight is a soulful and friendly bestseller.
Text from the back cover
As a child, her vivid dreams and intuitions were whispered about behind closed doors. As a medical student, she denied the “shameful secret” by immersing herself in the absolutes of science. Then as a psychiatrist, Dr. Judith Orloff recieved proof of the value of her gift when an intuition foretold a patient’s suicide attempt. In this remarkable self-portrait, she takes you on the journey of a lifetime, one that brought her from ignorance to understanding, from loneliness to peace, from despair to hope…
“There is no elite to which the gift belongs–the seeds have been planted in all of us….each one of us is multifaceted, radiant, teeming with possibilities.”
As she tells you her own story, Dr. Judith Orloff will teach you how to recognize intuitive experiences in everyday life, awaken your own intuition with special mind-empowering exercises, and use meditation, prayer, and dream interpretation to broaden your possibilities. And like Dr. Orloff you’ll soon be on a quest to reexamine your life, your beliefs, your future…and your own wonderous potential.
Dr. Judith Orloff is a teacher, a rule-breaker, a healer, memoirist, and poet closely observing the world around and within her. Second Sight is a moving story, beautifully told, bold, and courageous. …Bella Mahaya Carter – Poet, Author & Teacher