How Empaths Can Prevent Overwhelm
Many sensitive people have not learned how to self-soothe if they are upset or when life gets intense. Like many children, perhaps you didn’t have the kind of parents that held you and let you know that everything was going to be okay. If your parents were anxious they also may have transmitted their anxiety to you. Sensitive children can absorb this and may unknowingly carry it around as an adult.
To take charge of your emotions, practice the self-soothing techniques to prevent getting overloaded by the stress of the world or your internalized stress. I discuss many strategies in my book The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People that if used each day will help you stay calm and centered. My new book Thriving as an Empath: 365 Days of Self-Care for Sensitive People has daily practices to help you stay clear, centered and for self-care.
You can play and cuddle with your animals, climb under a cozy comforter and read a book or make yourself some warming tea or soup. As well you can use conscious breathing, positive self-talk, lavender essential oil or engage in positive self-talk. Self-soothing can come from many sources. Find the ones that resonate with you.
Being an empathic, caring person leaves you open to a wide range of feelings. When you sense love and joy, you will experience well-being. However, picking up negative emotions can be agitating. As part of your self-care, you want to keep yourself as calm as possible. Using the techniques which I discussed will help create more equanimity and peace in your life.