I’m feeling jittery, restless, and on edge with these intense wind storms coming through Los Angeles. I have a hard time sleeping and have a sense of dread. Am I just being “overly sensitive” or is this real?
Answer: This is real! The National Institutes of Health has documented the reality of weather-related symptoms from pain to Seasonal Affective Disorder (depression that is related to a decrease in light in the fall and winter seasons). People with high sensitivity are often more susceptible to weather-related mood changes such as agitation from the wind. Meteorpathy or “Meteorosensitivity” is a newly recognized condition that reveals how weather affects mental and physical health.
During times of wild winds or any intense weather, meditate more, practice grounding exercises, and don’t let the wind take your grounding away. But also enjoy the wildness of the wind and let it recharge you. The wind can be mild or it can wreak destruction, as with the recent LA fires. I have a lot of respect for the strength of the wind.
Please take a look at chapter 9 in my book The Power of Surrender, which describes this weather phenomenon and the energetic aspects of the natural world.
Thank you for asking this very important question,
Reference: Hoxha, M., & Zappacosta, B. (2023). Meteoropathy: a review on the current state of knowledge. Journal of medicine and life, 16(6), 837–841. https://doi.org/10.25122/jml-2023-0097