What do you do when you get bad vibes from someone who everyone else loves?


What do you do when you get bad vibes from someone who everyone else loves?


Answer:  This is a common experience for empaths when sensing the energy that people give off.

Most important, you must trust your take on this person. Look at this as a potential red flag. Your intuition is telling you to at least be cautious with this person or stay away completely. Being empathic, you often pick up information about people that may be different that what others pick up. Trust yourself. Don’t second guess yourself. Intuition is not a popularity contest. You might be the only one who ever feels something about a person but you must respect it. Do not ever get involved with someone that you are uncomfortable with. Please take a look at the section in my book “The Genius of Empathy” on empathy and relationships. It will spare you a lot of heartache and confusion to master the basic skills I discuss.

Honor your intuition and empathy,


Judith Orloff, MD is a New York Times bestselling author with the upcoming book The Genius of Empathy: Practical Skills to Heal Yourself, Your Relationships and the World (Foreword by the Dalai Lama). She has also written The Empath’s Survival Guide and Thriving as an Empath, which offers daily self-care tools for sensitive people. She integrates the pearls of conventional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, empathy, energy medicine, and spirituality. Dr. Orloff specializes in treating empaths and highly sensitive people in her private practice and online internationally. Her work has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Oprah Magazine, the New York Times and USA Today. Dr. Orloff has spoken at Google-LA, TEDx U.S. and TEDx Asia. More information about Dr. Orloff’s Empathy Training Programs for businesses, The Empath Survival Guide Online Course and speaking schedule at www.drjudithorloff.com.

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