Are you an empath? Take the test here to determine your empath score.

Summary of Article
Unless you are a psychopath, narcissist, or sociopath, you will have the ability to feel empathy (opposite of narcissist) for others on some level. Those who feel empathy more intensely than others are known as empaths. Empaths absorb the stress and emotions of other people into their own bodies. They don’t have the normal filters that other people do. They are very sensitive to noise, smell, excessive talking, and are easily overwhelmed in crowds and often exhausted after short periods of time in social settings.
If people aren’t aware of being an empath, everyday interactions that others find tolerable could be causing them stress. In this article, where I was interviewed by Business Insider, I share the top signs that you could be an empath and the critical ways that empaths can unwind and set boundaries to embrace and enjoy their gifts.
Read the full article on Business Insider here.