Oprah Magazine: Energy Makeover


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Summary of Article

With today’s busy lifestyle we tend to find ourselves obsessed with improving our energy level. We look for more ways to add a little pep to our day so that we can have energy to carry out those dreaded tasks—and have energy left over! We find ourselves comparing our energy levels to others and then letting and may be envious of others who have seemingly endless energy.

If you find that you are in an energy slump, the best way to improve it is not focusing on feeling tired. Instead, acting “as if” you already have energy will bring more of what you want into your life. Simple phrases like I am energetic or I have the energy I want and need, begin to consciously change your outer world. Putting attention on our lack of energy (or anything for that matter) only brings more lack our way. And berating our tiredness with guilt, judgment, and tough love won’t work well either. It’s important that we honor the way our body feels. Being envious or comparing ourselves to others just binds up the energy that we so desperately want to flow freely through our bodies.

In this Oprah Magazine article, I share tips on how to energetically tune our bodies to achieve greater vitality.


Judith Orloff, MD is a New York Times bestselling author whose books include The Genius of Empathy: Practical Tools to Heal Yourself, Your Relationships and the WorldThe Empath’s Survival Guide, and Thriving as an Empath, which presents daily self-care tools for sensitive people. Her upcoming children’s book The Highly Sensitive Rabbit is about a caring rabbit who learns to embrace her gifts of sensitivity through the love and support of other animals. A UCLA Psychiatric Clinical Faculty Member, she blends the pearls of conventional medicine with cutting-edge knowledge of intuition, empathy, and energy. Dr. Orloff specializes in treating highly sensitive people in her private practice and online internationally. Her work has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Oprah Magazine, the New York Times, and USA Today. Dr. Orloff has spoken at Google-LA and TEDx. Explore more at www.drjudithorloff.com

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