Science Daily: Plant Communication


Excerpt from The Empath’s Survival Guide: The Science of Plant Empaths

As a psychiatrist and empath, I am fascinated with the phenomenon of intuitive communications with all beings.

In my book The Empath’s Survival Guide I discuss the different types of empaths I’ve encountered including plant empaths. These empaths have a natural attraction to plants, trees, and flowers. They intuitively connect with their needs and communicate with their spirits. They can sense if they are healthy or what they require for healing. Plants talk to them, and they can hear them.

Plant empaths are often drawn to the woods, mountains, waterfalls or bodies of water to be close to nature. As children, trees and plants were their friends, companions, and confidants. They might have turned to them with their problems or for solace when they were upset, as I did while growing up. Just being close to a tree is reassuring for plant empaths. They like to touch them, climb them, hug them and sometimes just say “hi” when you’re walking by.

These empaths often have “green thumbs,” which means plants and flowers flourish around them. They feel their ability to attune to them. This mutual kinship makes them responsive to their touch and presence. That’s why many plant empaths enjoy gardening or enter careers such as farming, horticulture, botany, garden design, floral arranging, landscape architecture, or working for the forest service. To feel healthy and happy, you frequently need to be near plants and the natural world.

Plant empaths also become healers such as Chinese medical practitioners or herbalists. Some prescribe the Bach flower remedies, a form of homeopathy, which are distilled flower essences (in liquid) that treat various kinds of “dis-eases.” In ancient times, when people lived in harmony with nature, they regarded plants as sentient, aware, and intelligent. Then and now, tribal shamans or “curanderos” act as messengers between plants and the spirit world. They hear the beautiful songs of plants, a kind of celestial music. Tapping into their healing powers is known as plant medicine.


Judith Orloff, MD is a New York Times bestselling author with the upcoming book The Genius of Empathy: Practical Skills to Heal Yourself, Your Relationships and the World (Foreword by the Dalai Lama). She has also written The Empath’s Survival Guide and Thriving as an Empath, which offers daily self-care tools for sensitive people. She integrates the pearls of conventional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, empathy, energy medicine, and spirituality. Dr. Orloff specializes in treating empaths and highly sensitive people in her private practice and online internationally. Her work has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Oprah Magazine, the New York Times and USA Today. Dr. Orloff has spoken at Google-LA, TEDx U.S. and TEDx Asia. More information about Dr. Orloff’s Empathy Training Programs for businesses, The Empath Survival Guide Online Course and speaking schedule at

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