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Summary of Article
Researchers have discovered that people who are highly empathic have higher than average mirror neurons in the brain. This specialized group of cells is responsible for compassion and is especially active in empaths. Empaths are highly sensitive people that absorb the feelings, energies, and emotions of others into their own bodies. Being an empath has incredible benefits, like greater intuition, compassion, creativity and a deeper connection with other people. But living in this state of high sensitivity can also have its challenges.
If too much is coming at an empath too quickly it can lead to exhaustion, anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome and even fibromyalgia. Once an empath begins to recognize common factors contributing to the overload, it is easier to take charge of their sensitivities. In my book, The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People, I share specific strategies to prevent empathy overload and keep from getting overwhelmed by the pain of others.
Read the full article on Yoga Journal here.