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Summary of Article
Many of us want to try to control all of the details of our lives. We have been told from a young age that we must work hard to create our own success. But to force and push to “make things happen” can actually zap our happiness and steal our joy. Surrendering, on the other hand, contains no resistance and opens us up to receiving all that our heart desires. For self-proclaimed “control freaks,” giving up control can push us outside of our comfort zone and into the unknown. But once practiced, it can create a liberating state of emotion and place us on a path to happiness beyond our dreams.
In this article for Next Avenue, based on my book The Power of Surrender, I share what it means to surrender and why letting go, at any age, is the most effective approach to happiness.
You can find the full article here.
Take the quiz to see how surrendered you are here.