Two Ways to Beat an Addiction to Power


Are you addicted to power? Many leaders are, and it gets in the way of their personal and professional progress.

Here’s a mini-profile of a power-addicted leader. He feels he can control everything–and if he can’t, he’s going to try anyway. He believes he can “make things happen” and has little patience for people and situations that get in the way and distract him from his objective. He feels most powerful when dominating others. He pushes through illness and pain. He defines himself in terms of his title and net worth. He has a difficult time relaxing, being still, and spending intimate time with a lover, or downtime with friends….
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What Makes a Good Lover?


In my book, The Power of Surrender, I discuss how to manifest your full sexual power, even if you are out of touch with it now. First, you must learn to completely inhabit your body and the moment. If not now, when? Holding back, fixating on performance, or letting your mind chatter and drift is the end of passion. It’s vital to get out of your head and into your bliss….
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4 Strategies to Survive Emotional Vampires


As an energy psychiatrist I know that to come out ahead with drainers, you must be methodical. Emotional vampires can’t savage your peace of mind or prick you to death with corrosive remarks if you’re onto them. This survival guide from my books, “The Empath’s Survival Guide” and “Emotional Freedom covers everything from recognizing an initial exposure to deploying techniques to deflect negativity. It will enable you to stay centered in difficult relationships….
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Are You Addicted to Fear? Learn How Not To Be!


What is an energy vampire and how can you recognize one? Relationships are always an energy exchange. To stay feeling our best, we must ask ourselves: Who gives us energy? Who saps it? It’s important to be surrounded by supportive, heart-centered people who make us feel safe and secure….
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Secrets For Sensitive People To Find Relationships That Work: Why Emotional Empaths May Stay Lonely Or Alone


Are you an empath? Take the test here to determine your empath score. Take the test >   Loneliness gets to some more than others. But why it hangs on isn’t always apparent when read by traditional medical eyes. In my practice and workshops I’ve been struck by how many sensitive, empathic people who I call…
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