Are Empaths on the Autistic Spectrum? Empathizing with our Differences


I often get asked the question “Are empaths on the autistic spectrum” because of their similar tendencies to experience sensory overload from noise, light, smells, sounds, certain kinds of touch, and crowds….
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How to Empathize Without Taking On People’s Stress


To be of service you don’t have to give 100% or more to everyone in need. At times, it’s okay not to be so available. To stay centered and decompress, you need to leave this world for a while and practice self-care. Give yourself that break. When being of service, consider each situation individually. Always…
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Who Are the Best Partners for Empaths?


Check out Dr. Orloff’s “Secrets for Sensitives to Empower Their Relationships” Online Workshop Learn More & Purchase >   Which type of person makes the ideal match for empaths? It depends on your temperament and needs. You must determine which type (or mixture of types) you prefer and will be most compatible with over time….
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Are You an Introverted or Extroverted Empath?


In The Empath’s Survival Guide, I emphasize that empaths and highly sensitive people have different styles of socializing and interacting with the world. Most empaths are introverted, though some are extroverted. Other empaths called ambiverts have qualities of both. It’s important to notice what your own styles are so you can honor them. Each day,…
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Navigating the Triggers of a Dysfunctional Family


Many sensitive, caring people need to take it slowly with family get-togethers as they can often feel too much from them. There may be more noise, drinking, and loud voices than they can tolerate. Families are living organisms. The health and behavior of its members contribute to its overall wellness. In a healthy family, you…
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Breaking the Rescuer Pattern


As a psychiatrist and empath, I know the challenges sensitive people have to be compassionate, empowered empaths without shouldering the suffering of others or trying to “fix” them. All people deserve the dignity of their own paths. Empaths are blessed with open, loving hearts. We care deeply about others and the world. Many of us…
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Empaths, Compassion & Mirror Neurons


As a psychiatrist and empath I’ve always been intrigued by the science of empathy. Research has shown that our brain has a specialized group of cells called mirror neurons, which is responsible for empathy and compassion. Studies suggest that empaths have a hyperactive mirror neuron system which places them high on the empathy scale. When…
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The Gifts of Being an Empath


The empath’s journey is the adventure of a lifetime. Sensitive people have much to be grateful for. You are able to experience exquisite passion and joy. You can perceive the big picture on a deep level. You are attuned to the beauty, poetry, and energy of life, and your compassion gives you the capacity to…
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