What Do Synchronicities Mean?


Have you ever experienced perfect timing, a moment when everything just seems to fall into place? For a moment, we step out of the random chaos and find that all forces are aligned with nothing pre-planned and yet, all is in order. Events come together with such exactitude, it feels as if we have been launched onto a pre-ordained course….
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Dr. Orloff’s Tips for A Positive Attitude


As a physician in practice for over twenty years, I know that your beliefs set the tone for health and healing. Positive attitudes accentuate wellness, negative attitudes impair it. Our beliefs trigger biochemical responses. No organ system is apart from our thoughts. Beliefs set a tone for certain health realities to occur. In “Positive Energy” I discuss 5 tips for keeping a positive attitude….
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If It Be Your Will


The Power of Surrender is about trusting the flow of life, trusting, trusting, trusting. When I meet resistance in myself, when I push too hard, when my desires overcome my intuition, this Leonard Cohen song “If It Be Your Will” realigns me. It softens all that is rigid in me and I can breathe into the flow again. Hope you enjoy it….
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Can Our Pets Absorb Our Illnesses?


I love animals. They are powerful conduits of unconditional love. My editor wanted me to remove this story from “Emotional Freedom” about a dog’s compassion because it wasn’t between two humans. I disagreed and kept it in. Here is an excerpt from the last chapter of the book called “Facing Anger, Building Compassion.” I hope you like it. I hope you know that love exists between all sentient beings….
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How To Deal With A Narcissistic Personality


To nurture and protect your emotions, it is important that you learn to identify narcissists. These people are self-obsessed, lack empathy and can suck your energy dry. They can turn on the charm, but they are about as charming as a banana peel when you see through them. Do not fall in love with one!! Hope my new video on this topic sheds some light on this topic….
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How Intuition Can Help Us Understand Death and Dying


As a physician, I see fear of death permeating our health care system. Doctors shy away from patients who are dying or resort to technical language. Patients are afraid of making the passage. Relatives don’t know what to say or do around the death bed. Intuition–our deepest gut feelings and knowing–can guide us if we listen….
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