Wanting Love VS Wanting to Be Alone: My Challenge as an Empath


As an empath, I’ve struggled with the opposing desires of wanting to be in an intimate relationship and wanting to be alone. Here is an excerpt from my book “The Empath’s Survival Guide” which shows how I can resolve the conflict with my partner….
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Relationship Tips for Highly Sensitive People


In my books, “The Empath’s Survival Guide” and “Emotional Freedom” I describe emotional empaths as a species unto themselves. Whereas others may thrive on the togetherness of being a couple, for empaths like me, too much togetherness can be difficult, may cause us to bolt. Why? We tend to intuit and absorb our partner’s energy, and become overloaded, anxious, or exhausted when we don’t have time to decompress in our own space….
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The Healing Power of Tears


For over twenty years as physician, I’ve witnessed, time and again, the healing power of tears. Tears are your body’s release valve for stress, sadness, grief, anxiety, and frustration. Also, you can have tears of joy, say when a child is born or tears of relief when a difficulty has passed. In my own life, I am grateful when I can cry. It feels cleansing, a way to purge pent up emotions so they don’t lodge in my body as stress symptoms such as fatigue or pain. To stay healthy and release stress, I encourage my patients to cry. For both men and women, tears are a sign of courage, strength, and authenticity….
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Empathic Illnesses: Do You Absorb Other People’s Symptoms?


Empathic illnesses are those in which you manifest symptoms that are not your own. Many patients have come to me labeled“agoraphobic” with panic disorders, chronic depression, fatigue, pain, or mysterious ailments that respond only partially to medications or psychotherapy. Some were nearly housebound or ill for years. They’d all say, “I dread being in crowds. Other people’s anger, stress, and pain drain me, and I need a lot of alone time to refuel my energy.”…
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How to Tell the Difference Between Lust and Love


As a psychiatrist, I’ve seen how intense sexual attraction is notorious for obliterating common sense and intuition in the most sensible people. Why? Lust is an altered state of consciousness programmed by the primal urge to procreate. Studies suggest that the brain in this phase is much like a brain on drugs. MRI scans illustrate that the same area lights up when an addict gets a fix of cocaine as when a person is experiencing the intense lust of physical attraction….
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Emotional Contagion at Work: How to Stop Absorbing a Coworker’s Stress


Research has documented that we can catch each other’s emotions, a phenomenon known as emotional contagion even at work. Judith Orloff, MD is a New York Times bestselling author whose books include The Genius of Empathy: Practical Tools to Heal Yourself, Your Relationships and the World, The Empath’s Survival Guide, and Thriving as an Empath, which presents daily self-care…
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