Online Courses & Webinars


Dr. Orloff’s programs are for empaths, deep feelers, and all caring people who tend to over-give and get burned out. Learn how to stop absorbing other people’s stress. Develop your intuition & empathy. Enjoy the courses!

Awakening Your Intuitive Healing Power

combating emotional vampiresJoin Dr. Orloff to learn how to unburden yourself of toxic energies as you transmute your life experiences, and explore practical tools to heal your body, your emotions, and your relationships so you can feel more centered, happy, and energized.

In this powerful 7-module online course, you’ll learn strategies to stop absorbing the negative emotions of others and discover ways to identify your emotional triggers so you can respond to others from an empowered place. Plus you’ll learn to cope with empathy overload and practice strategies to ignite your intuition & healing abilities + much more. Watch a Free Talk the Keys to Being a Healthy Empath

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Deepen Your Intuitive Healing Powers

In this illuminating 12-module online course, Judith Orloff, MD, will help strengthen your intuition so you’re not always second-guessing what your inner voice tells you. She will help you clear blocks to your intuition so you can freely love and give compassion to a world that desperately needs it.

Dr. Orloff will share with you her revered, intuitive process of reading people. You’ll be able to use her techniques to activate new strengths and abilities to read yourself and others — and to determine if someone is telling you the truth.

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The Empath’s Survival Guide Online Course

In this 9 hour foundational online course, Dr. Judith Orloff gives empaths and sensitive people a hands-on resource for learning the skills they need to become healthy and empowered in a world that is often disdainful of empathy. It also includes guided meditations, weekly practices, questions for reflection and personal journaling.

The “Empath’s Survival Guide Online Course” offers empaths practices for overcoming the challenges of highly sensitive people—and unlocking their unique empathic gifts. Watch a Free Talk Being an Empath Today

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Empathy as a Catalyst for Healing & Compassion

Did you know that your natural traits as an empath or highly sensitive person (HSP), are actually everyday superpowers?

Join Dr. Orloff in this 7-part transformational online course as she guides you through the fundamental skills and competencies you need to successfully create healthy empathic practices to heal, awaken, and communicate with heart. Each module builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you need to develop your gifts of empathy while creating strong boundaries so you can heal, awaken, and lead with heart.

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Become an Intuitive Healer
2.5 Hours Online Teaching
Plus Recorded Q&A, Bonus Material & Handouts

In the healthcare profession the linear mind plays an essential role in diagnosing and treating patients. But there is an infinite amount of intuitive wisdom that we cannot access through logic alone.

Judith Orloff MD, a psychiatrist, intuition specialist, and author of “Guide to Intuitive Healing” offers 2.5 hours of video instruction on how to become an intuitive healer PLUS a recorded audio Q&A session with Dr. Orloff, her video “5 Steps to Intuitive Decision Making” and her audio “Awaken Your Intuition” + PDF handouts.

CEs available for MFTs, MSWs, LCSWs & Nurses in California or Certificate of Completion

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Healing the Toxic Attraction Between Empaths & Narcissists
Two Hour Online Teaching

Are you in a relationship with a narcissist? Dr. Orloff has seen how difficult it is to cope with or end a relationship with a narcissist. Initially they might seem charming, and caring until you don’t go along with their program. Then they become cold, and punishing. They can seem highly intuitive, but they use their intuition for self-interest, gaslighting, and other manipulations.

In this two-hour online recorded workshop Dr. Orloff will show you how to break the narcissist’s hold on your life and begin to create healthy relationships. The workshop includes a recorded Q&A session with Dr. Orloff.

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Secrets for Sensitive People to Empower Their Relationships

2 Hour Online Teaching with Dr. Orloff

Empaths often have special challenges with their personal and professional relationships because of their intense sensitivities.

In this on demand workshop, Dr. Orloff teaches sensitive people how to navigate the challenges and gifts of different kinds of relationships, including with themselves. Intimacy and empathy can stretch our hearts, so we become more loving, open people. But to flourish in relationships and improve our communication with others, we must learn to authentically communicate and set clear boundaries to feel at ease and not get overloaded.

CEs available for MFTs, MSWs, LCSWs & Nurses in California or Certificate of Completion

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Building Compassion, Releasing Resentments

1.5 Hour Online Teaching with Dr. Orloff

Letting go of resentments and grudges is essential to free yourself from negative energy. The main person that they damage is you.

In this on demand workshop, Dr. Orloff guides empaths and all caring people toward the empathy and large-heartedness to release resentments around wounds others have caused or that are self-inflicted. Based on her book Emotional Freedom, Dr. Orloff discusses the destructive nature of unresolved resentments and demonstrates how to clear the damaging effects from your psyche. She shares techniques to help you cultivate the compassion to transform even justified resentments to free yourself and prevent the overflow of negative energy into other aspects of your life.

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Techniques for Empaths to Strengthen Their Intuition & Protect Their Energy

Many empaths and sensitive people need additional support during these times of uncertainty and overwhlem.

Dr. Orloff presents two Zoom calls (each one-hour) to help empower empaths and all sensitive people. The first video focuses on strengthening your intuition. In the second video learn protection & centering strategies, including boundary setting, The Jaguar Meditation, Earthing and more.

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Support for Empaths During Stressful Times

combating emotional vampiresTo support empaths through difficult times, Dr. Orloff presents two Zoom videos (one hour each) to help empaths deal with feelings of fear and overwhelm.

In each call, Dr. Orloff presents self-care practices and heart-centering meditation techniques to decrease stress and allow empaths to tap into their clarity and intuition. Join a global community of sensitive people to find effective self-care strategies.

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Surrender to the Power of Intuition

surrender power intuitionIn this 3-lesson downloadable Hay House course, based on her national bestseller The Power of Surrender, Dr. Judith Orloff shows you how to apply the practical and mystical tools of surrender to let go more deeply to your inner voice and empathic abilities without doubting yourself.

You’ll identify where you’re clinging to old patterns of behavior that don’t serve you and how to stop absorbing the stress or negativity of others. Each lesson focuses on a specific area of intuition including Reading People & Communication, Relationships & Love, and Success & Abundance.

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Secrets to Surrendering in Your Life

secrets to surrendering in your lifeWhat if you could live in “the zone,” propelled by intuition toward the right people and opportunities? If you want lasting positive change, prepare to experience the power of surrender.

In this empowering 9 lesson course you will learn how surrender can transform all areas of your life from success, money, relationships, your body, illness, aging, death and the afterlife. The course includes simple yet powerful meditations, quizzes, exercises plus video and audio clips from Dr. Orloff to help you master the secrets of letting go.

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Self-Care Practices for Empaths

As an empath herself, Dr. Orloff can appreciate the challenges that so many sensitive people experience, especially during stressful times. In this online Zoom event, Dr. Orloff addresses vital daily self-care strategies from “Thriving as an Empath” that will help empaths and sensitive people cope with and even thrive each day.

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