Science Articles on Empathy, Intuition & Healing


Brain Circuit Discovery Reveals How Empathy Shapes Our Behavior
Neuroscience News

What, Me Care? Young Are Less Empathetic
Scientific American

Empathy’s Influence on Drinking Patterns
Neuroscience News

Empathy is the Most Important Leadership Skill According to Research

Video Games That Teach Empathy
The Washington Post

Silence, Please
The American Psychological Association

The Highly Sensitive Brain: An fMRI Study of Sensory Processing Sensitivity and Response to Others’ Emotions

Study sheds light on how highly sensitive people process information.

Study finds that more empathic people have physically different brains.
Popular Science

Brain scans reveal a critical link between binge drinking and being able to feel empathy for others.
Clinical Study at the University of Sussex

Study finds empathy can be detected in people who’s brains are at rest.
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience Study

Brain Scan Study Links Social Anxiety to an Empathy “Imbalance”

The Mind’s Mirror: How mirror neurons explain empathy »
The American Psychological Association

The Wisdom Your Body Knows
New York Times

Why You Should Find Time to be Alone With Yourself
New York Times

The Genetics of Empathy
Molecular Psychiatry

Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons
National Institutes of Health

High-Empathy People May Process Music in Brain’s Social Areas
Psychcentral, June 2018

Science Says Silence is Vital for Our Brains
Uplift Connect, May 2018

Genes have a role in empathy, study says
BBC News: Journal Translational Psychiatry

Difficult People: Who Is Perceived to Be Demanding in Personal Networks and Why Are They There?
American Sociological Review: Bar-Ilan University, Israel and University of California, Berkeley

UB researcher says how we arrive at empathy is an important as being empathic
Journal of Experimental Psychology: University of Buffalo

Study finds popular painkiller reduces empathy
ScienceDaily: Ohio State University

The Search for Our Inner Lie Detectors
The New York Times: Applied Science by Matt Richtel

Empathy is Actually a Choice
The New York Times: Sunday Review

Near-death experience in survivors of cardiac arrest: a prospective study in the Netherlands
Pim van Lommel, Ruud van Wees, Vincent Meyers, Ingrid Elfferich
The Lancet Publishing Group

Lewin, Roger, Is Your Brain Really Necessary? Scientific Frontiers, No 15 1981. Science. 210:1232. 1980
(fascinating case of a boy with virtually no brain who had an IQ of 126 and won honors in math)

Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, May 2010

Beltman, Bernard. Brains Seek Patterns in Coincidences.
Psychiatric Annals 39:5. Pps. 255-284. May 2009

On Making the Right Choice: The Deliberation-Without-Attention Effect.
Ap Dijksterhuis et al. Science. 17 Vol. 311. no. 5763, pp. 1005 – 1007 Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 2006.
(discusses the importance of “sleeping on” decisions versus figuring them out.)

Intuition Makes For Superior Management Decisions, “How Senior Managers Think”
Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business School study, Daniel J. Isenberg, 1984

Army Report on Developing Intuition. Gut Feel: Developing Intuition in Army Junior Officers.
Colonel Todd B. McCaffrey United States Army, 2007

Between Discipline and Intuition: The Military Decision Making Process in the Army’s Future Force.
Major JB Vowell. School of Advanced Military Studies. United States Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth Kansas 2004
“Codifying training on intuitive decision making and planning into existing processes will only further enable field grade officer staff proficiency and thus empower future force commanders.” Page 54 of report

In Battle, Hunches Prove to be Valuable. Intuition Can Be Trained.
New York Times, 2009

Chinese Meditation Boosts Brain Activity.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2010

Plant Communication: Sagebrush Engage In Self-Recognition And Warn Of Danger
Science Daily. Roger Karban, University of California, Davis, Dept of Entomology June, 2009 Funded by US Dept. of Agriculture

Social anxiety associated with increased empathic abilities »
Israel Journal of Psychiatry & Related Sciences

The Neuroscience of Empathy »
Psychology Today

Narcissism Causes Lack of Empathy »
Science Daily

Scientists Search for Soldier’s Sixth Sense
Rita Boland, Signal Magazine, July, 2009
Research funded by US Department of Defense, Joint Explosive Device Defeat Organization

Roadside Bomb Hunting. Learned Skill or Intuition?
Politics Daily.

Arnst, Amy. The Biology of Being Frazzled. Science 280. Pg 1711-13. 1998.
(discusses the biology of being emotionally off center.)

Leiberman, Matthew. Intuition: A Social Cognitive Neuroscience Approach Psychological Bulletin 2000, Vol. 126 No. 1, 109-137 Harvard University

Aston, John A. The Efficacy of Distant Healing; A Systemized Review of Randomized Trials. Annals of Internal Medicine. Vol 132 Issue 11. Pps 903-910 June, 2000.
(a review of distant healing studies.)

Coan, A. Spouse But Not Stranger: Handholding Attenuates Activation in Neural Systems Underlying Response to Threat. Psychophysiology 42, Pg. 544. 2005.
(discusses how holding your spouse’s hand in a threatening situation can biologically reduce his or her stress.)

Davidson, R.J and W. Iron. The Functional Neuroanatomy of Emotion and Affective Style. Trends in Cognitive Science 3 11-21. 1999.
(discusses the neuroanatomy of emotion.)

Gozzola, V. Empathy and the Somatotopic Auditory Mirror System in Humans. Current Biology. Vol. 16. Issue 18. Pgs. 1824-1829. 2006.
(discusses the connection between empathy and mirror neurons.)

Gump, Brooks et al. Stress, Affiliation, and Emotional Contagion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 72 no 2. Pg 305-19. 1997.
(discusses the concept of emotional contagion and how it relates to stress.)

Kemper, Kathy. Impact of Medical School Elective in Cultivating Compassion Through Touch Therapies. Annals of Internal Medicine. 1136. 391-393
(discusses the power of therapeutic touch and compassion.)

Keltner, Dahser and Anderson, Cameron. Emotional Convergence Between People Over Time. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 84 no 5. Pg. 1954-68. 2003.
(discusses the concept of emotional merging in relationships.)

Lieberman, Matthew. Intuition: A Social Cognitive Neuroscience Approach. Psychological Bulletin. 2000. Vol 126. No 1. 109-137.
(discusses the neuroanatomy of intuition.)

Luskin, Frederic. The Art and Science of Forgiveness. Stanford Medicine. Stanford University Medical Center. Vol. 16. Number 4. 1999.
(discusses the heath benefits of forgiveness.)

Miller, Greg. Reflecting on Another’s Mind: Mirror Mechanisms Built into the Brain May Help Us Understand Each Other. Science. 13 May 2005: 945-947.
(discusses the connection between empathy and mirror neurons.)

Mischel, W & Rodriguez. M. Delay of Gratification in Children. Science. 244. 933-938. 1989.
(the famous marshmallow experiment which linked the ability to delay gratification as a child with future success as an adult.)

Newberg AB, Alavi A, Baime M, Pourdehnad M, Santanna J, d’Aquili EG. The measurement of regional cerebral blood flow during the complex cognitive task of meditation: A preliminary SPECT study. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 106: 113-122, 2001.
(discusses the effects of spirituality and meditation on the brain.)

Radin, Dean et al. Double-Blind Test of the Effects of Distant Intention On Water Crystal Formation. Explore Journal. Vol.2, No. 5.September/October 2006.
(discusses the power of intention to create physical change.)

Giacomo Rizzolatti. The Mirror Neuron System. Annual Review of Neuroscience. Vol: 27:169-192. 2004.
(a review of the body’s mirror neurons system and empathy.)

Seeman, Teresa. Social Ties and Support and Neuroendocrine Function.Annals of Behavioral Medicine 16. Pg. 95-106. 1994.
(discusses the positive effects of emotional support on health.)